I found this INCREDIBLE research paper of DSP for what appears to be a graduate study project (iinm) of an effect module that I wanted to work on to give myself an exciting new challenge, and build it as a (late) holiday gift for those of you that are more artistically brilliant than myself, and with which make something really remarkable, however, I have hit a rather large snag… I don’t have any idea what the symbols in the equations represent (I feel like maybe I should have learned Greek in high school or the one year of college I actually finished? Lol).
Kidding aside, I know these are upper level trig and possibly calc concepts, of which I learned many in my AP math classes in high school, but my life took a swerve off the path I was on and I drove the car off the bridge to early success and into the river of a REALLY hard life I had to learn on my own because I was stubborn and thought I had life figured out and I figured, “where am I going to apply the ‘solve the equation for the [any concept for advanced university level math]’ knowledge in the real world?” The answer is “Here, in the world of digital audio, where I want to continue diving deeper and easily turn these concepts in my head into an algorithm that I can improve upon to make something revolutionary and new out of the idea”.
I so badly want to regain the knowledge of the math in the DSP logic that is so well understood by the likes of @taylor, @stschoen, @robertsyrett, @biminiroad, etc. and pick their brains constantly, but this is years worth of lessons I have completely forgotten in the last 17 years of my life. The forum unfortunately isn’t a university, and even though some of you seem quite qualified to be professors of these concepts, I know you have real lives that don’t include giving enormous free math classes to people who had a chance to also be where you stand now, but threw away their brain thinking they knew better as a stupid kid
So my question in this long winded post is, “can anyone point me to a sort of “Cliff’s Notes” style of math lessons that will explain the meaning of the the Greek alphabet characters, the sub-1, sub-2, and what all the symbols mean (i.e. FOR THINGS LIKE ∆k ∗2π∆k = (φk(m+1)−φk(m)−hana ∗2πΩk)mod2π AND xˆ(n−N−α) = x(n−N)+α·[x(n−N−1)−x(n−N)]
BECAUSE I HAVE GOOGLED AND I NEVER HAVE GOTTEN TO A PAGE THAT MAKES ANY MORE SENSE THAN THE ONE I CAME FROM), so I can begin to go through it and hopefully put the puzzle back together?”
I know I am capable of picking these things back up, I just need to jog my memory to recall things like what the ‘=‘ with the ‘~’ on top of it means, and none of it can make sense again until I can clearly read the equations’ intents. Also, I have included a PDF copy of the effect thesis below, for anyone else that is Interested. Thanks in advance for any resources anyone can point to!