Time Clock with Alarm and LED Display

Screenshot 2023-01-04 at 6.22.54 PM

Time Clock

This set of modules was suggested by XSoundGirl. They provides a time clock and alarm. The clock displays time in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds and outputs the time in seconds. The clock can be started and paused using the stop/run toggle or by a pulse on the associated mod input. The clock can be reset with the button or a pulse on the associated mod input.

The alarm can be set using knobs for hours minutes and seconds. Time is input in seconds. When the alarm time is reached, a pulse output is generated and the output toggle changes state. If it was off then it switches on and vice-versa. The off/on switch can be operated manually or by a pulse on the associated mod input. The Reset button and input set the alarm and output toggle to off. Multiple alarm modules can be used.



Input Signal Range Notes
stop/run 0-1 pulse starts and pauses the clock
reset 0-1 pulse resets the clock to zero

Output Signal Range Notes
time time in seconds


Control Function Notes
stop/run starts and stops the clock
reset resets the clock to zero reset does not stop the clock


Meter Displays Notes
LED Display displays time in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds



Input Signal Range Notes
time time in seconds time from time clock
reset 0-1 pulse resets the alarm and toggle output to off
off/on 0-1 pulse turns the alarm on and off

Output Signal Range Notes
pulse 0-1 pulse if the alarm is on, when the alarm time is reached a pulse is emitted
off/on toggle 0-1 gate if the alarm is on, when the alarm time is reached the toggle changes state


Control Function Notes
off/on enables and disables the alarm
reset sets the alarm and output toggle to off reset does not adjust the alarm time
off/on output toggle manually sets the output toggle state to high or low
hr min sec sets the alarm time


Meter Displays Notes
LED Display displays time in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds
hr min sec displays the alarm time

Version History

Revision File Date Notes
1.2 superseded 01/04/2023 Initial upload to forum
1.3 Time Clock V1.3.audulus4 (34.0 KB) 01/04/2023 minor UI updates