The Audulus Expression Node

First a word about numbers in Audulus. All signals in Audulus are stored as 32 bit floating point numbers. This allows Audulus to represent very small and very large values with considerable precision, but it also can lead to unexpected results. Because there is no integer type in Audulus, numbers that appear to be integers are actually floating point numbers i.e. 1 is not really 1 but 1.00000000... Ordinarily this doesn’t cause a problem, but the results of some calculations are necessarily rounded to the number of decimal digits Audulus supports. Because of this, it is good to avoid comparisons for equality when possible. It is much better to write x <= 0 than x == 0. It is also worth noting that the value node does not always display the full internal precision for a number.




but subtract a little bit less from 1 and you get:


Be careful of rounding errors.

The Expression Node

Audulus provides an expression node which allows you to evaluate a variety of mathematical expressions which can’t be calculated with the add and multiply nodes. The expression node uses a subset of the mathematical operators and functions commonly available in the C programming language. It can have multiple inputs but only has a single output. Each variable used in the expression becomes an input. The expression a + b becomes:


Variable names must start with a letter but can contain numeric digits. Certain names represent constants and function names and are reserved. If the expression you entered cannot be processed because of a syntax error it will display no inputs and output zero. Check for unbalanced parentheses, reserved words used as variables, and functions with an incorrect number of parameters.

Operator Precedence

Consider the following expression: a = b + c * d. In what order will this be evaluated? If we were to go left to right, you would first add b to c, then multiple the result by d and then assign the value to a. What in fact happens is c is multiplied by d then the result is added to b and finally assigned to a.


Why does this occur? The operators in the expression node have different priorities and some operations are carried out before others. This is commonly referred to as operator precedence.
The expression node has three classes of operator. Unary operators take a single operand. Audulus has 2 unary operators, + and -. These unary operators are placed before their operand i.e. -3 or +1. The + unary operator is rarely used. Binary operators take 2 operands and are the most common operators in Audulus.
The + and - operators can also be binary operators i.e. 1 + 2 or 3 - 2. In addition we have * / ^ and the comparison operators. Because there is no integer or boolean type available in Audulus there are also no operators of these types. There is one tertiary operator in Audulus, the ? operator. The order in which these operators are evaluated is as follows. Within each group operators are evaluated in left to right order.


() - parentheses are used to group expressions and control the order of evaluation. The expression within the innermost set of parentheses is evaluated first, then then next outward set, etc.

Unary operators

+ -

Binary operators

exponentiation ^

multiplication and division * /

addition and subtraction + -

comparison operators < > <= >= != ==

Tertiary operator

conditional operator ?
The conditional operator takes 3 operands with the last 2 separated by a : i.e a ? b : c. The a operand is evaluated first. If it is greater than 0, the b operand is evaluated and becomes the result. If a evaluates to less than or equal to zero, the c operand is evaluated and becomes the result of the expression. For example:
Parentheses can be used to group multiple ? expressions. I find it easier to place the next ? expression at the end of the first one i.e.
a ? b : (c ? d : e)

When in doubt or when the expression is complex, use parentheses to ensure you get the result you expect and to make your intent clear to others.

Audulus also offers a number of functions which can be used in expressions. Because functions have a built in set of parentheses, they follow the same rules as other parentheses. The arguments to a function are evaluated first, then the function is called. You can find additional information including a list of functions in the online documentation


Great tutorial! Thanks @stschoen :slight_smile:


I actually ran into this issue just this week and realized quickly to substitute the <= and >= in my affected expression nodes. :nerd_face:


@stschoen - This is a great doc! I was wondering though, would it be possible to provide a post that goes over the most commonly used functions and what exactly they accomplish? Or point to a doc that already has this info (if such a thing exists)? I don’t know what it is about the broken lens through which I view the world, but decoding the intent of some of the prebuilt modules in the library (even though the functions are already there in front of me with characters that I recognize) somehow still feels like trying to decipher hieroglyphics. If not, nbd, just figured I would ask. Thanks for all that you do, either way! :slight_smile:


Since Audulus 4 is on the way and it looks like a pretty significant overhaul of the node library, I have been putting off making Know Your Node videos. But I was thinking of making a spin of series just going over the common expressions I use all the time. Maybe it could be called “Expressions in Audulus” (or maybe “Expression Yourself”) or something. Maybe 5 minutes or under, right to the point explanation and an example or two.


That sounds amazing! What about both: “Expression Yourself: Expressions in Audulus”?