Sorry for basic stuff

First steps are done (on iPad Audulus) - but so many questions:

Can I create a module out of a patch? Or in other words: I have done a few nodes and a UI above - how can I turn this in a module?

Can we get polyphonic in Audulus? The module MIDI Input is monophonic, right? OK- meanwhile I noticed via feature request mega-thread, that there is a polyphonic midi interface…

How can I post a patch?



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Are you asking how to add a module to your personal library or how to group things into modules?

If you mean the latter, just select the pieces you want to group and use the group function in the context menu.


Yes we can

You just use the upload tool. The icon for that looks like this 25%20PM


The keyboard node can be set to legato (monophonic) or 2, 4, 8 or 16 note polyphonic. The keyboard and MIDI modules in the library are a wrapper around the keyboard node. open them up and you can change the polyphony by clicking on the keyboard node. You can also change the MIDI channel from omni (any channel) to channel 1 though 16. When set to polyphonic mode, the keyboard node will generate a polyphonic output which will create multiple copies of whatever it is connected to, so somewhere in the signal path you need to use a poly to mono node to mix the signals back together. Watch your CPU usage, multiple copies of a complex oscillator, filter and envelope generator can quickly overwhelm the CPU.


Thank You both! Very well explained.

The group function is now clear. Is there a way to add groups as Modul in the library?

Polyphony is now clear.

Posting a patch - this seems to be different on iPad. There is a „share“ while longpress, but the next step(s) aren‘t clear… …oh, wait, maybe I got it…

First Step In.audulus (317.6 KB)


This is great! I just wanted to chime in with a note about polyphony - you’ll want to maintain it throughout your chain for as long as it’s necessary for the sound/function, but then collapse it to mono before certain effects where it doesn’t matter that the effect is running in polyphony - for example, polyphonic distortion can sound good because it’s probably level-dependent and will be more expressive on each note you play, however, polyphonic delay or reverb isn’t - it will sound the same regardless of whether the signal is polyphonic or not. So what I did here was insert a PolyToMono node at a good point in the patch and shaved off 3-5%CPU usage just from that.

Let us know if you have any more questions!

@robertsyrett @stschoen thanks for the assist - I was cooking after I got home until just now:


Prosciutto and asparagus? Looks amazing.


Copied PolyToMono now in (from a patch of Stephen). Is the Modul also in the library?

That brings me to the question from above.

Thanks for the advices!