Simple Looper

Screen Shot 2020-02-15 at 2.05.10 PM

#Simple Looper

I was inspired by @dcLargo’s excellent Delay-based Looper:

and thought I’d put together a simpler version similar to the early looper pedals. This is a single channel unit that allows you to record a loop, play it back, overdub the loop and stop. The unit has two triggers, Record/Overdub and Stop. Each trigger also has an input for external control.

From stopped the first press on the record switch starts recording, the second press switches to playback mode and the third press switches to overdub. Subsequent presses toggle between playback and overdub. Stop ends the loop and resets the unit. Loop gain adjusts the volume of the loop relative to the input signal. Note that it doesn’t affect the signal level fed to the delay, only the mixed output.
There are indicators for the current mode, loop length and a meter displaying the current position in the loop.
The unit is clamped at a maximum of 30 seconds since this is about the max for the delay line.

There is also a multi-trigger module in the file. Since Audulus triggers aren’t MIDI channel specific, you can have conflicts when trying to use MIDI to activate triggers and at the same time use MIDI for notes. The multi-trigger uses a keyboard node internally so it can be set to a specific channel by opening the module. It’s currently on channel 6 since that’s the channel I have set for my NanoPad. Each of the 4 outputs can be set to a MIDI note using the knobs. The display in the upper right shows the last MIDI note recieved


Input Signal Range Notes
in audio signal typically -1 to 1 max.
REC/DUB 0-1 trigger controls recording, overdub and playback
STOP 0-1 trigger stops the loop.

Output Signal Range Notes
out audio signal combiner looper and input audio signal


Control Function Notes
REC/DUB Record-Playback-Overdub From stopped the first press starts recording, the second press switches to playback mode and the third press switches to overdub. Subsequent presses toggle between playback and overdub


Meter Displays Notes
loop time loop duration in seconds
loop meter percentage of loop elapsed

Version History

Revision File Date Notes
1.0 Looper V1.0.audulus (276.6 KB) 02/16/2020 initial upload


Revision File Date Notes

Gotta check this out!!

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This module has been a blast. Very well put together. When syncing it with a clock, I have found that I have to add gate>10ms pulse, to convert the constant gate from the master clock, in order to get it to fire the record button. After much experimentation, I have a simple suggestion…

Would it be possible to have a built in “arm” button on the face, that basically disregards or, when on, allows the external gate to fire the button?

I have tried to do it externally, but it seems that because it’s too early in the signal path, the logic becomes excessive. Also, when working with it live, screen space is important. So having an arm button built into the face of the module would be nice. Presently, I achieve this by dragging wires and disconnecting them while recording a song.

That being said, again, the design is fantastic. Simple but really useful and the cpu is so good I can run 3 or 4 at once. Also, if it’s not too much to ask, a stereo version would be very handy at some point in the future since part of the advantage we have with Audulus is that we can insert effects in any order. Ie. it would be nice be able to capture and loop some huge reverb signals and whatnot.