Has this been made yet (7:40)? Seems simple enough. I may give it a go if it hasn’t.
Underachiever v009 (BETA)
- working demo
- not all shapes worked out (yet)
- need to size shapes to tempo next
Underachiever v009.audulus (55.2 KB)
Underachiever v010 (BETA)
Underachiever v010.audulus (66.6 KB)
- got the size pretty close
- having trouble with tempo sync
- kind of know what needs to be done: as you decrease the tempo by half, you need to double the adsr. just can’t brain the knob right now…
- seeing if beer helps the situation… come on brain!
Underachiever v015 (BETA)
- worked on controls. can switch a few shapes.
- tempo knob still giving me trouble. cheated a bit with a mux8.
- adsr size not perfect yet
- straightened knobs
- exposed waveform
- turned down volume
Underachiever v015.audulus (205.3 KB)
Any ideas or ways to do things better while this is in the early stages would help please. (Tag team the thing)
I didn’t realize excite bike had a song mode!
Be nice if there were lights for the steps. Also an envelope legend for the 4 options. And I think you should have your own custom vector graphic logo.
Underachiever v022 (BETA)
- figured out a way to do tempo sync
- brain just needed some time it seems
- added some lights for the steps
- doubled the waveform
- wave order switched
- sine wave
- square wave gate works
- adsr resized
- some math cleaned up
- hz input instead of knob
- master amp no longer changes the waveform
Underachiever v022.audulus (271.8 KB)
Underachiever v024 (BETA)
- reworked shapes (patch should run cooler)
- flip button
- fixed wiring mistake
Underachiever v024.audulus (299.2 KB)
Underachiever v039 (BETA)
- started playing with phasors
- NOTE: making pops (prob a sizing issue)
- ratio display now shows number of waves per step
- fixed some wiring mistakes
- added two more phasor waves (thinking of getting rid of the adsr’s)
- reverted back to v033
- phasor counter was getting messed around with ratio switch
- got the triangle wave down finally
- waveform vertical size knob
Underachiever v039.audulus (503.1 KB)
Underachiever v045
- re-did everything with phasors
- split the wave into two parts
- doesn’t pop anymore
- shifted knobs a bit
- turned down volume
- flip vert and flip horz buttons
- gates buttons fixed up
Underachiever v045.audulus (586.1 KB)
Looking forward to using this. Really nice work.
Thanks man!
Underachiever v063 (BETA)
- changed “ratio” of waves to “#” of waves
- 1 to 8 waves per step
- cleaned up the demo a bit
- fixed some wiring mistakes
- first step gates work again
- ratio knob
- must restart patch after switching
- reminder light
- got all the multiple waves working in half mode
- maybe not the most elegant solution (going to try some fract*(x-a) stuff as well)
- must restart patch after switching
- merged adsr waveform
- loose wire no longer loose
- res knob no longer yells at you when you turn it all the way down
- refixed copied mistake
- first step gates
- half mode working
- straightened knob
- full mode working
- straightened another knob
Underachiever v063.audulus (813.9 KB)
Underachiever v064 (BETA)
- attack and decay per step
- no longer doing funny things (copied wrong wire)
- straightened knob
Underachiever v064.audulus (899.3 KB)
- working on both gate directions next