Long Period Envelope Generator Mk II


Long Period Envelope Generator Mk II

In order to create generative patches that evolves over time, it is often useful to have an envelope spanning several seconds or minutes. This is an evolution of an earlier design that I hope is a little more user friendly. Like the original, it is a single module producing a one stage envelope which can be combined to create multistage and sequential envelopes and supports looping. Each module has two time ranges, 0-5 seconds and 0-90 seconds. The start and end values of the ramp can be adjusted. It has a gate input for start and reset and outputs for the envelope value, and percentage complete. It also has gate outputs for running and done. The chain and loop inputs and chain output are used to connect multiple units and to enable looping. It displays the time in seconds and has a meter showing the current output value. Note that connecting both the chain input and loop input is not currently supported, so a chain can only loop to the first unit in the chain.

The demo file has a number of possible configuration examples.

The timing on this is a bit tricky so bugs are certainly possible. A reset after connecting modules together is necessary to ensure the modules are properly initialized. Pleas let me know if you encounter issues.


Input Signal Range Notes
loop poly connect the chain output of the last unit to this input for a loop
chain poly connect the chain output of the previous unit for chained operation
r 0 to 1 gate reset input
st 0 to 1 gate start input - starts the envelope

Output Signal Range Notes
chain poly connect to following unit for chained operation
done 0 to 1 gate goes high when the envelope has finished
% 0 to 1 percentage of total time completed
run 0 to 1 gate goes high while the envelope is running
out 0 to 1 mod signal output - connect to the start knob of the following module for multi-module envelopes


Control Function Notes
start envelope start value For multi-stage envelopes modulate with the out from the previous unit
end envelope end value
time envelope time 0 to 90 seconds on slow and 0 to 5 seconds on fast
fast changes time range slow and fast maximums can be adjusted internally


Meter Displays Notes
time displays module time rounded to hundredths.

Version History

Revision File Date Notes
1.1 Long Period Envelope Generator Mk II V1.1.audulus (42.2 KB) 08/16/2019 set minimum time at 0.001 to fix bug when time was set to 0
1.0 superceded 08/15/2019 initial upload


Revision File Date Notes
1.1 Long Period Envelope Generator Mk II demo V1.1.audulus (346.4 KB) 08/16/2019 set minimum time at 0.001 to fix bug when time was set to 0
1.0 superceded 08/15/2019 initial upload

Yes! Thanks for this. :+1:

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