In my Version there is no labeling of the modules. Hoe can I aktivate it?
I may be wrong but I see this if the A4 window is ‘too small’. Make the window larger horizontally and the labels should appear, they do for me…
I canˋt make it longer of cause it use my hole ipad screen
What size iPad is this?
My iPad looks the same. There are no labels on the module icons. I’m using a 10.2" iPad Air. Module labels are on in settings and once you drag a module to the patch it’s properly labeled.
I have also a 10.2 # Model. When the labeling is only on the big screens, they should chance it. There is enough place for left.
Yeah, this is a bug, thanks for letting us know!
Great tool, by the way.
I created the new labels in S&C, deleted the old ones from Azure, deployed the new Azure Client that is in preview that supported unified labels and targeted myself in the label policy. The add in loads, but it does not pull in the labels from S&C. I have waited >48 hours to see if that would help and it did not. Has anyone used unified labels yet?pikashow
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