KMI QuNexus Giveaway Contest

I just got a new Minilab from Arturia to replace my KMI QuNexus - needed something with knobs and pads.

This QuNexus is an EXCELLENT iOS controller, especially for people on the go. It also can output 4 control voltages to modular synths.

It’s normally $179 new - this one is a teensy beat up, but works perfectly nonetheless. A great controller for Audulus!

To enter the giveaway, you MUST be in the USA. This is purely for shipping reasons - sorry international peeps!

If you are in the US, to enter, comment below with a link to your music, a picture of your home studio, or just a plea for why you want it. If your comment includes an Audulus patch you’ve made, it will count as double!

The drawing will be random, and I’ll pick the winner on or around Dec 25th. If 9 people enter and only one posts an Audulus patch, that one person will have a 1/5 chance to win since their entry counts for double - make sense?

Good luck!


Hey! Sign me up - here’s a link to some of my music.

Planning to stick around and see what’s going on here; Audulus looks pretty incredible!


Nice little keyboard! Last thing I did with Audulus: Stream One Day In Paris by stschoen | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
My rig:IMG_0014

Most popular patch: uTuring V1.1.audulus (146.6 KB)


Though I’ve have Audulus on my Mac for a while, I didn’t get on with the interface. Just recently got an iPad and am digging in more (but haven’t really built a patch yet - maybe I’ll get to it before the 25th and cash in a second entry ;)), so would really dig a controller like this.

Soundcloud’s a bit stale, but here’s the link:
And a bonus clip I just did today:



Hey Mark! This is exactly like the keyboard I was mistakenly signing up for as your last giveaway lol so I definitely could use this for my Audulus iOS setup. Instead of having to lug around this 3 pound monstrosity, which is my current M.O., because I don’t really have the flow to buy any more audio equipment with Christmas right around the corner.

I have two new nieces to buy gifts for this year, on top of having a 10 year old daughter and two 4 year old nieces. This all adds up to Stephen being broke for the next 2 months, and no new keyboard until then.

I am including the vintage electric piano clone that @robertsyrett walks you through in know your nodes pt. 3 but I deviated a little from the video instructions to make it my own. Anyway, I hope to win it, but if not, I’m sure you will pick someone that needs it more than me, and I think it is really super chill and generous how you donate your old equipment to other members of the Audulus community. You’re a good dude that sets a really good example of how to pay the good vibes forward to your fellow humans. :smile:
Electric Piano Clone.audulus (14.7 KB)


A+ Work!


I appreciate that sentiment coming from you, @robertsyrett, but with great teachers like you and @biminiroad helping me to gain a better understanding of the world of modular synthesis, how could I go wrong?


I swear I’ve been making a lot of stuff! But this is my latest. I’m mainly interested in making self-playing patches.

Let them be their own thing once they are deemed completed.

Using my homemade 3-osc east coast style synth on here as well as a tape-style/pitch-shifting delay I made, and with a scaled sequencer that sort of works (not as intended, but still interestingly works). Some aspects of it are modulated via noise making it somewhat irregular but still musical in my opinion.

This one is called Fanfare

Fanfare.audulus (1.2 MB)


Only a few entries so far! These people are lucky - BIG chance of winning! :wink:


Oh hi there! I recently purchased this awesome software and have been falling, falling, falling down a rabbit hole. What a wonderful thing! Here’s my latest connection of modules, it’s rather rudimentary for what my imagination wants, but this early, what 1 month? I’m happy with the sound for now. That QuNexus sure looks sweet, who doesn’t like a good hand me down. Spin the Wheel!

Two Spline Mode Sequencer Kick Ducked.audulus (868.0 KB)


Just learning about Audulus and throwing my hat in the ring. Here’s a link to my SoundCloud

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Hey - I would love a chance to win a QuNexus. Merry Christmas!

{edit] I realized I never fully did what you asked!

Here’s a link to a tour of my studio:

Here’s a link to some music I’ve made:

Thanks again!

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This is a great portable controller, it even converts MIDI to CV AND CV to MIDI! (over USB). I sold mine last year to pay bills, but wouldn’t mind another.
I would post some of my patches, but I recently reset my iPad and forgot to back them up! arghhh weeks lost.

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Oh noes! Turn on iCloud storage next time? That’s saved my butt more than a few times :slight_smile: And don’t worry I’ll let yours count as a pity double :wink:

Hey thanks Mark! Mightly kind of you!
I have iCloud ticked for Audulus (and all of my other apps) but only a handful show up in iCloud Drive? Oh, I see, I have iCloud Backup disabled…I’ll just remember to manually back them up using iMazing or iFunBox.

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Yes! Thank you! It’s very generous to give that gear away (what with eBay right there, lurking!) I’m happy for the chance to take it off your hands!

Here’s my music spot shot:


Only a couple more days to enter this contest! The people who have already all have a pretty good chance…

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I’m going to pick the winner soon! You can still sneak into the contest between now and when I’ve woken up a bit :+1:

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@stevo3985 is the winner! Thanks everyone for entering and congrats stevo! PM me with your address and I’ll get it sent out to you after the holidays :slight_smile: