Hello there,
So I’m building a sequencer, inspired by Impromptu Modular sequencers for VCV Rack, or their live note input features, to be specific. It kinda works already!
The idea is: while the sequencer is running, I want to select a step and enter a note from the midi keyboard into it. You can think of it as an arpeggiator, which holds all notes for you, and you can change any of these held notes on the fly.
I’ve reached farther than I expected myself to, and I made the whole thing work with a knob with values from 0 to 7.99, which chooses a step for entering a note.
Problem is I want to press a button and go to a specific step, instead of scrolling though steps.
I think what I need is an expression which could help me route 8 triggers and make them communicate with Demux node, which in turn maps the midi keyboard node to one of 8 sample-n-hold nodes.