How do I record to the audio from Audulus to a file on the ipad?

Just picked up Audulus. Looking for a record node. Not finding one. I’m sure there is a way to record your patch audio to a file. Otherwise, would be kind of useless. Any help is appreciated.


You record the audio with another app. I tend to use AUM to capture my Audulus output. Sometimes I record into Auria.

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I think of it more as a synthesizer than a digital audio workstation.

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Yup, me too. A giant endless modular synthesizer that is also a visual programming language.

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@cwm One of the practical challenges is to get the patch to sync to a bpm, but also start in time with other software and studio hardware. Audulus does detect MIDI over bluetooth. More simply, sending MIDI notes into Audulus within the device then using those to trigger clock start/reset inputs, is a way to work with the tools available. Often what may be lacking in the feature set is made up by low CPU consumption. FWIW, accepting these limits and exploring and managing the challenges can lead to rewarding productions, with the feel of a DIY hobbyist.

On the forum here there is also lots of information on how to do these things and many people who enjoy helping and troubleshooting. I hope this doesn’t deter you too much! Feel free to ask questions about workarounds.

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I’m really just looking to render audio playing in audulus to a wav file. For instance, in other apps, like Borderlands, I can hit record while it is running and record everything I hear to a high quality wav file. Is this a feature you could add?


There is / is going to be a general memory node in Audulus 4 that can be used for sampling.

It currently does not have the option to save the recorded samples, but that would definitely be a useful feature.

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Audulus currently supports both Audiobus and Inter App Audio (IAA). You can use GarageBand, AUM or another IAA compatible recording app to record the output from Audulus. With GarageBand, create a new song, choose External instrument, IAA and Audulus. This will launch Audulus and allow you to choose a patch. The output of the patch (channels 1 and 2) will be sent to GarageBand. You can then switch to GarageBand, start the recording, switch back to Audulus to operate the patch if needed etc. I use AUM which also has a record function but either one will allow you to record a wav file. I’m sure there are other apps which will also work.

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