Hi there.
Something has been bugging me for years :how would you go about creating a drum machine-like clap sound from scratch ? If anyone had design guidelines about this, it would help me get started.
Thank you very much,
D. S
Hi there.
Something has been bugging me for years :how would you go about creating a drum machine-like clap sound from scratch ? If anyone had design guidelines about this, it would help me get started.
Thank you very much,
D. S
According to this post at KVR Audio:
The TRS 808- clap was produced by white noise fed into a band-pass filter then into a VCA modulated with a sawtooth LFO and short envelope and then combined with the white noise fed through another VCA/envelope with a longer decay to simulate some reverb. Probably a good place to start.
Clever use of splines to replace the envelopes. Sounds pretty good!
That’s a great clap. It would be nice to have that as a tidy standalone module, as I often reach for a clap and sometimes just repurpose a snare.
Great clap indeed! I really should use the spline node more often!
@robertsyrett Thanks for making it into a module. I also made a module version. The only big difference is that I added a ‘color‘ knob to control the frequency of the BPF.
Clap module.audulus (33.3 KB)
Yea the spline is really great for percussion synthesis.
Thak you for all your precious answers!