Another Techno Patch

Metamodulater.audulus (1.6 MB)
Metamodulater (Low End Version).audulus (1.6 MB)

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Fixed that awful mess :grimacing:

Metamodulater (Low End Version) remake.audulus (1.6 MB)


That’s a very gnarly kick you’ve got there! I like the vibe. :cowboy_hat_face:



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Damn, I hadn’t listened to this one yet. :worried: I hope you’re just editing. I don’t like the fact that you can’t actually update Soundcloud files without paying for Pro.

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I think I can do a lot better. I didn’t modulate the parameters on the complex oscillators enough. Most of what I am doing now is recording hardware sequences in one shot, and performing the changes; as opposed to drafting scenes with clips and midi arrangements in Ableton.


Metamodulater 4.audulus (1.7 MB)

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There’s something to be said for doing things on the fly. I grew up in an era where a 16 track tape-based studio was a real luxury, so I’m used to trying to do things in one take. I think you can lose some spontaneity if you over process things. In fact I dislike the auto-tune, over-engineered crap that seems to be prevalent these days. Save me from yet another diva whose main talent is looking good! The only real positive I see for the music scene these days is the ease with which you can create professional quality recordings without spending a fortune, and how easy it is to share those recordings. :cowboy_hat_face:


I like the current version. There are lots of possible things you can modulate on the RCWG. Don’t forget that in addition to the morph, pitch and fold that are built in you can use the “mo” output to modulate the shape, order and wave parameters as well as other things. I’ve been having a lot of fun just trying to come up with a killer drone sound.


What I like about @robertsyrett’s LFO sequencer is you can get an asymmetrical master wave to give a parallel/simultaneous structure to modulating a sequence (and, of course, when you adjust the master wave, the slave waves follow). I think it needs an expander module that offers a clean set of modulation outputs that have slight variability, but are still related to the master.


I’ve been playing with it too and it’s got some hidden depths. :cowboy_hat_face: