Yeah, in that animation I am accidentally multiplying the frequency of the phasors by 480 since I was just reusing the
expression you had included.
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Hey everyone! I hope you are all safe and happy this holiday season. I spent the last few days building some new modules I am not yet ready to release, and I made some additions and improvements to version 1.4 of the Analog(ish) Sequencer/Quantizer Module. Here’s a picture of it with a scope node to demonstrate the random bipolar gate output I added in hopes of providing an interesting form of modulation for anyone that’s interested. As per usual , the module is below that and a demo with it. Happy holidays, my friends!
Analog Modeled, Quantized Sequencer v1.4.audulus (24.0 KB)
Analog Quant:Seq Demo.audulus (131.1 KB)
Happy holidays to you and your’s as well. Hope you all stay safe and healthy over the holidays and the new year.