@futureaztec I sorta built this module for me, and with other builder/tinkerer types that deep dive into modules and see how they work. The first thing you will notice, if you are analyzing my work, is that the tempo knob is going to be inaccurate/slightly estimated, as I just ceil(x)
'd the numbers, cuz I didn’t want to have decimals, and I wanted to emulate the way you would use a knob on something like this:
The little pink knob that says “speed” is for setting tempo. It is not precise, which is what I had in mind, as I built this. Mine has a number, but when you have it set to 120 (or anything, this is just the example cuz it is what mine is set to, currently), unless you are
extremely precise, or lucky, it will be an approximation, as it can only be exactly 120 on the dial at exactly 120.
Also, I purposely put the number in the center so you can’t see what the value is while turning it, giving it another sort of analog trait in which you are dialing tempo based more on sound, and the number is more just for info, thereafter. I hope this is making sense…
It is also capable of being (a simplistic version of) your main clock in a patch, due to the tempo indication and the gate output! 
On top of that, I added a scale quant for each step, as you will notice that the knobs for each step are x/12
, making them quantized to traditional western musical 12 semitones. This is also an approximation, as I understand the whole Lib to be meant for 1/o, which (unless I misunderstood) makes each octave more of a 1/10 scale.
This makes my quantizer values more of an estimate, as well, if you can call it that. You wouldn’t want to add a value node and try to say, “this dialed in note is going to be an A#3…” or some other such thing, since for obvious mathematical reasons, 1/12 and 1/10 are slightly skewed differently.
The point of all of this was really not to make a new seq/quant that everyone would want to have. It was more of a - "here’s an analog(ish) module that does scale quant and 8 step sequence with tempo, but it is more of a novelty that some will be impressed by, some will use, and those that don’t get it or aren’t interested in the programming logic or quirkiness of the whole approach will shrug their shoulders and move on.
I had you in mind, personally, as someone I thought might be able to find a fun use for it, but if this doesn’t interest you, that is fine, as I am still quite happy with the way it turned out, and I learned a whole lot of new programmatic logic along the way to building this from a blank slate. I don’t know if you would call that a sales pitch, but I hope I have sufficiently explained my eccentric vibe I was on when I put this together.
If you haven’t downloaded it, take a look, and maybe you will find that my intuition was in line with your way of building things that look, work, and sound really neat. If not, I’m sure I will make something else at some point you will find to be impressive and fun to work with. Thanks for stopping to take a look and inquire about my post, also. I hope you are having a great evening!