Absolute Beginner: BPM Clock + Sequencer + Waveform Meter Questions

I just started using Audulus and I made my first incredibly basic patch. I have some questions about how to modify my patch to work as I would like it to.

  1. I used the basic 4 step sequencer and a BPM clock. I modified the BPM clock’s range to be from 0 to 4 instead of 0 to 1. If you download the patch I have uploaded you will see that to have a 4 step sequencer with the clock set to 480 bpm. This gives me a 120bpm, 4 steps (1 beat) sequencer.

I would like to have a BPM clock and sequencer similar to the ones in classic Roland drum machines (in their most basic form)

  • sequencer: 16 steps (4 beats), where each step only has pitch.
  • clock: 40 to 160 bpm range, with a single knob for the tempo.
  • no phasor :slight_smile:

Are there modules for the clock and sequencer that I can download, which are closer to what I am trying to accomplish (would require fewer modifications)? Or should I open the ones I am using and try to modify them?

The sequencer is an easier change as there is already an 8 step one, which does more or less what I need. I can just open it and add 8 steps.

The clock is more of “mystery” to me. :slight_smile: I am not sure how to remove the phasor and it’s not immediately obvious to me how to make the knob display 120 instead of 480, to make it work with my sequencer as described above. :slight_smile:

  1. I only set a pitch value for one of my steps and I used the basic waveform meter on my osc output to see the peaks. Even though I only have one step the peaks seem to vary (instead of being the same), which confuses me. Shouldn’t they be the same?

Thank you for helping an absolute beginner!

04.audulus (30.6 KB)

This may be along the lines of what you’re talking about:


Basic BPM.audulus (39.2 KB)

Here’s a basic example using a strip sequencer from the library.

  • added bpm modifier

Thank you! This is very helpful!

When I open the clock module:

  1. where do I add a resolution multiplier (so I can set its resolution inside)?
  2. can I easily do surgery on it to remove the phasor (or is that a non-trivial modification)?

Basic BPM sync.audulus (39.0 KB)

No problem. You pretty much cut and paste that multiplier inside the patch and hook it up to just the value display.

I also synced the oscillator. It was free running before, so the waveform started randomly. It still varies a bit. I think it has to do with the way Audulus uses digits with floating values. Not sure though.

The phasor is what drives that clock. You can’t take it out of that design of clock. There may be other ways to make clocks. I haven’t tried to make one yet though.

Basic BPM sync fixed clock.audulus (41.2 KB)

I fixed the clock in this version to show the right bpm. I used the (hz > bpm) node in the library. I also added an extra multipier so you can change the range of the knob.

I think the way I was asking the question is confusing… I modified the original BPM clock I had in there to be the resolution, which makes sense to me (re 1 beat = 4 steps). I changed x/60 to x/7.5.

The question about the phasor was: right now there is the knob for the phasor, which I set to 0.5. I suppose if I don’t want it in there, I could just set it to a static value of 0.5 and remove the knob from the UI?

You mean sync the oscillator to the clock? I see that you added the sync toggle, but what connects it to the clock?


Basic-BPM-sync-res.audulus (38.5 KB)

I just saw your last msg… I think that the clock in yours is still showing x2 of what it is… The original clock I used had to be sped up 8 times not 4, I think…

Basic BPM sync fixed clock (0.125).audulus (41.2 KB)

So the multipiler was at 0.25.

You want half.

0.25 * 0.5 = 0.125

0.125 is the multiplier you now want.

Yes. Thank you!

I still do not understand what you did with the syncing… can you explain or point me in the direction of somewhere to learn more about syncing in Audulus?

P.S. The waveform peaks are the same when it’s a square wave… and vary for all the other ones (saw, sine, etc). Maybe this helps solve the mystery. :slight_smile:

Oscillator sync restarts the wave when the gate triggers. If you slow down the frequency you can see it.

Thank you. I understand now.

If the peaks in the waveform vary does this mean that the pitch varies (or just the level of the sound)? I don’t really understand how to read the oscilloscope.


This video might possibly be helpful.


I think all the values vary a little bit in Audulus (again, not 100% sure of this). But it’s so small that it shouldn’t matter in most cases. You won’t hear a difference. It can matter though in a gate signal though. So watch out for that. There are ways of making it exact. I use the expression (g > 0) often.

Interesting. I can see it when I use a metering > meter and play with the ADSR + speed a bit… The level varies noticeably visually (in this case i cannot tell the difference in the audio :)) with identical step settings. I wonder what the people who wrote Audulus have to say about this. :slight_smile:

Btw, I could not see the start gate being not 0 when sync is off and I slow down the clock. I’m not sure how to configure the ADSR to see it in the oscilloscope…

Yeah, strange. Not sure why it’s not working.

Is this what you mean?

I think it’s just the waveform node (aka oscilloscope) sampling at different points in the cycle. It won’t affect the pitch just the amplitude. Also If you record a bit of it and look at it in the DAW I’m pretty sure it will be anticipated behavior.

First off, welcome!

Clock Master.audulus (91.9 KB)

You might enjoy this clock a little more - it’s a part of the upcoming library redesign, which you can read more about here:


In that post you can download the whole zip of the new library.

The first part of this document explains the signal standards and should help with some of the questions you had above:

If this is in reference to the waveform node pic you shared above, it’s because there’s only a finite amount of resolution that the waveform node is dealing with - it takes samples of the audio and displays the amplitude of it. When it’s fast moving (audio instead of an LFO or envelope), it shows an average amplitude by drawing a top and bottom line which is an approximation. Since your attack and decay cycles are set so fast, it appears to vary in amplitude when it really doesn’t. If you set them to longer times with a slower clock cycle, you’ll see that its more consistent.

Here’s an example patch that is close to what you have set up in the original patch you uploaded.

Sequencer Example.audulus (415.2 KB)

notes 3.audulus (92.6 KB)

Got the sync working. Had it hooked up wrong :l