16 Step Recording Sequencer
This is a 16 step sequencer that records the value on the “o” input and the gate value each time the gate goes high. To allow entry of legato notes using a keyboard, if the legato toggle is on (red) it will also step the recording when the “o” value changes. By loading the sequencer using a MIDI keyboard module or other source, you can record a sequence of notes that are sequenced out using the clock input. The notes are recorded in order from 1 to 16 and the input timing is not captured. The output sequence loops using the current number of notes entered. Reset count (rst cnt) resets the output counter and clear (car) empties the buffer and resets the count. The “o” input will accept any value so the unit can be used to sequence modulation as well. With version 2.0 the buffer is now a shift register that when filled shifts the oldest value out each time a new value is entered. I added a reverse and modulation inputs for both legato and reverse. The gate output is now gated by the clk input. V2.2 adds a number of steps control.
Input |
Signal Range |
Notes |
reverse |
positive gate |
inverts the reverse toggle switch |
legato |
positive gate |
inverts the legato toggle switch |
clear |
positive gate |
clears the recorded sequence and resets the counters |
rest cnt |
positive gate |
resets the sequencer output counter |
clk |
clock |
clock for sequencer output - output steps one for each clock |
gate |
any positive value |
a step is recorded when the gate value goes positive |
o |
any positive value |
value for the step - if legato is enabled (red) a change in value will record a step |
Output |
Signal Range |
Notes |
gate |
any positive value |
recorded gate value for the current step - gated by the clk input |
o |
any positive value |
recorded value for the current step |
Control |
Function |
Notes |
reverse |
reverse the playback direction |
legato |
allows legato input |
when legato is enabled (red) the sequencer will record the current value and move to the next step if the “o” input changes value. This allows recording notes that overlap where the gate doesn’t drop to zero between notes. |
steps |
sets the total number of steps for the sequencer |
range is 1-16 |
Version History
Demo Version History
After playing around with the sequencer I decided that it would be more interesting to have the record function loop back to the beginning of the sequence rather than reach the 16th note and stop. With version 1.2 the sequencer becomes a 16 note buffer that you can fill indefinitely. It currently records step 1 through 16 and then starts back at 1 again, overwriting the earlier value for each step. It could also potentially be configured as a shift register where it would shift the oldest value value out as new one were added. Let me know if you think this would be preferable.
It would be cool to have the option at least? Shifting it down would be a cool way to have kind of repeating but evolving phrases. Plus it would be easy to adapt to other types of turing-like sequencers.
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I swapped out the current buffer for a shift register, added a reverse play toggle, and gated the gate out using the clk input. Added a self playing demo.
Added a knob to set total number of steps