Hey guys! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! And for anyone out Black Friday shopping, I hope you get what you are looking for. I have been messing with some things lately that brought me away from Audulus, as I got Reason 11 for $100 off the normal price for the standard edition this week. I have been having some fun with its , (especially the Dr. OctoRex sampler that is also compatible with Korg Gadget ).
Anyway, today I had some random inspiration regarding the envelope follower node, and I decided to test out some ideas. The one that seemed to work the best is the resulting patch post. I call it the Reticu-Sweeper, and I think it sounds really neat with the components inside. I figured maybe some others might be interested to check it out or use it, not that it is anything spectacularly outside the box, but it definitely creates a cool effect. I hope you will like it. Let me know what you think. Have a great day!
Reticu-Sweeper Demo.audulus (7.2 KB)
Reticu-Sweeper.audulus (5.5 KB)
Edit: Added screenshot of the demo patch