I am enjoying the panel design and stereo effects! Is there any reason I couldn’t just delete the midi keyboard node and turn it into a synth voice. I also really dig the various splines, and will probably repurpose them in some other patches 
You can do whatever you want with it, I created the synth in an attempt to try to make a sound with more of an analog timbre by introducing a certain amount of pseudo randomness into the patch. I like to use my Audulus patches within the context of the other apps on the iPad in a setup so having a MIDI controlled setup fits this mode for me.
I found working in mono and then creating a stereo effect at the end was much less resource intensive and complex versus trying to incorporate stereo effects all along the sound path.
I used @jjthrash program along with creating snippets of high frequency sound to generate the splines. At some point, I’ll try to automate a process for creating a spline based wavetable synth as the flexibility of Audulus would allow for some useful options versus existing wavetable synths.
I would also say that my patch isn’t very modular relative to the original patch used to create it because I had to rearrange the patch in order to have access to the controls in the limited space in the current patch. This is a hassle and definitely makes the design and flow of the synth more opaque due to trying to develop a particular GUI I’m after.
In many respects, Audulus 3 is like a database with poor report functionality. The reports would be analogous to the user GUI and the database would be the natural programable flow of a patch. Hopefully at some point Audulus will have the ability to create references to different parts of a patch at whatever patch/subpatch levels so any number of GUIs could be created for a particular patch rather than having to restructure the patch in order to create a particular GUI design or vice versa.
The current functionality is a kludge as form isn’t following function with respect to GUI design as Audulus 3 is almost exclusively oriented towards programming patches versus a GUI where only a limited and selected portion of the underlying patch is presented to the user.