Size of main window

Hello all,
i bought Audulus for Linux yesterday. Fascinating software so far, but the main window/ patch editor is a little small, it maybe takes 40% of the available space.
Is there a way to to make it bigger or run it in fullscreen?
Thanks in advance


Can you upload a screenshot of your window? I take it for some reason the typical close/minimize/maximize controls are missing from the window?

Thank you for your response.
There you go :slight_smile:

did you see it?
Any thoughts about it?

I paid twice as much as the ipad users.
I think i deserve an answer.
Taking only 1/3 of my 27" making music is no fun at all.
I run Manjaro Linux wich is based on Arch and i use KDE Plasma 5.

Thank you.

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I’m really sorry I didn’t see your reply here! So just to check, you can’t go to the bottom right corner of the window and resize it like most windows?

Thank you for your reply.
Nope, theres no arrow symbol showing up allowing window resizing.
That was one of the first things i checked.

It looks like there’s not an easy fix for this, and since we can’t support all distros, it might just not work correctly on Manjaro. :confused: I can either give you a refund or give you a complementary copy on Mac or iOS to make up for this. Also, you can use the same license you bought on a Windows machine if you have one. Really sorry about this!