Shader info?

Can somebody point me to an application of the shader node? I’m kinda clueless on it at the moment. If I can see it doing something then I can play with it and maybe learn a thing or two. What is the programming language? Thanks!

The shader node lets you write a shader using OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) right inside audulus. You can expose inputs to audulus, so you can control the shader with CV.
The default state of the shader node already implements a very simple example of a shader that lets you set a color with rgb via audulus inputs.

Here is a pretty cool and more complex example of a shader in audulus.

So I’d say the shader node can be useful for visuals that are controlled by a patch in interesting ways or for creating your own technical signal visualization tools like oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and spectrograms.

You can also check out Shadertoy for examples of what you can do with shaders.
There is also a way to copy shaders from there and put them into audulus.

With a bit of digging, I found the following picture that Taylor posted here in discord a while ago:

This shows an example of what you have to do to port a shader from shadertoy to the audulus shader node.
(I’m not 100% sure though if this is still how it works, because that picture is from 2021)

Thanks! Gives me a place to start!

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Might also have a peek at the Spectrum Analyzer module in the module library (Audulus v4.3).

These examples also show the built-in audio waveform view (the module library spectrum analyzer is a more up to date version than the ones here).

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