I’m having issues with routing audio out from my iPad to my mixer and wondered if anyone has had a similar issue?
I can play an onscreen keyboard in an app that has one, and route the audio to the mixer from the headphone socket, but as soon as I connect my keyboard to the lightning connector (with a USB to lightning adapter) I lose the audio. When I check what the iPad is using as the audio output, it lists my keyboard (Yamaha MX), but I’m not sure how to direct it back to the headphone output.
Anyone experienced anything similar and have a solution?
You mention Behringer in the subject line but not in the description . Please give a complete description of all the devices and connections,
Know that if any device is attached that loads an audio driver it will supercede the built-in speaker and headphone drivers.
I was fully prepared for another clone rant or something. 
Just curious, does the sound come out of the MX? What’s happening is the Yamaha MX61 (in addition to being a synthesizer/controller rocks more than 1000 killer MOTIF XS sounds) is a class-compliant USB audio/MIDI interface (with controller integration with your favorite computer and iOS music software, including Yamaha’s new FM Essential iOS synth app). So when you plug it in, the headphone jack is disabled, as iOS doesn’t do aggregate devices.
What robert said. If the Yamaha is seen as an audio device, you need to connect your headhpones to the Yamaha.
In SOME cases, if you plug in audio-only headphones (i.e. no mic) after plugging in your audio interface, the audio out will go to the headphones. But that may not work if the audio device is full-duplex.
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Sorry about the thread title (updated now) - I think I accidentally edited a draft instead of starting a new thread.
Unfortunately the suggestion you guys gave doesn’t work due to the internal routing of the Yamaha MX - even if the audio from the iPad is routed to the keyboard, there is no way to route it to the audio out or the headphone socket. The stereo out and the headphone out jacks are internally routed to the sound engine of the MX, so all I get is whatever audio is being produced by the currently selected preset on the MX.
One thing I did discover - if I turn off the MX, I can play iPad apps with my Arturia KeyStep and the sound is routed to my mixer via the mixer’s USB interface. While that’s a solution, the KeyStep has mini keys, so it’s a little limiting.
I think my question is more around whether I can override the iPad’s default behavior, and if I can force it to route audio to its headphone socket when I have the MX connected to the lightning port on the iPad.
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Well, kind of. If you use a USB to MIDI breakout cable and connect the MX with a MIDI DIN cable and the iPad won’t feel the need to use the MX as an Audio Device. This would basically be the same as the Arturia Keystep solution, but at least you would get full sized keys.
From the Yamaha MX Manual:
USB audio and MIDI Class-Compliant for easy connection to iOS applications
This instrument can connect to iOS by using USB Audio/MIDI Class Compliant. You can use Stereo Audio In/Out and MIDI In/Out with iPhone and iPad through Apple’s Lightning - USB Camera Adapter. Combining the instrument with an iOS audio application, you can get a mobile audio recording solution.
So It doesn’t look like the Yamaha DX is any more helpful in terms of internally disabling the need to become the iPad’s Audio Interface.
Good luck!
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Looks like the manual is referring to me being able to send audio back to the iPad when it references “audio out”, as I can’t route to the audio out from the MX.
I did think of a MIDI interface solution, but I think if I’m going that route I might invest in something more substantial than a cable as it would be useful in other situations.
Overall I’m just in a situation where the general set up of my audio and MIDI works, but this one combination is problematic. The KeyStep is fine for some things, but it’s totally impractical for anything like piano, organ, etc.
I appreciate the input guys, and if anything comes to mind that hasn’t been covered so far I’d be glad to hear what ideas you have.
Are you sure that there isn’t a configuration option in the Yamaha to monitor the audio it is receiving from the iPad? It might be buried .
Did you try plugging in headphones last to the iPad?
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You might find this video interesting.
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I found that late last night and realized that it is possible to get the audio routed through the MX.
What I didn’t notice is that for some apps I had to go in and change the MIDI in source to the MX before it could be used for audio out.
The one thing I am now trying to figure out is how he assigned the MX volume to one of the controllers. I posted a question on YouTube hoping Doug will see it, but I might be able to figure it out myself. The manual doesn’t go into detail for all the menus, so it might take a little trial and error to get there, but I guess all is good now that I know I need to configure certain apps before I can route the audio to the MX.
Thanks for all the input guys, this has been helpful. Sometimes it takes another pair of eyes (ears) on something to help me get to a solution!
I hope I am not repeating anyone here, and I am sorry if I am. I didn’t have a chance to read the whole thread, as I am at work. I meant to post this morning, but was too wrapped up in other things, at that moment. I think this might be what you are looking for? Audiobus has multiple output capability for using headphone jack when you have an interface connected. 
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Thanks - that’s useful to know as I have Audiobus on the iPad already.
However, I did make some progress, and think I have things resolved by keeping two things in mind:
Some apps will not send audio to the MX if I don’t have the MX as a source of MIDI input. That threw me as I figured that audio simply wasn’t getting to the MX and all I could hear was the sounds of the MX engine
The MX blends the iPad audio with its own sounds, and I couldn’t figure out how to get just the iPad audio. There is a master volume knob and a knob for patch volume, but I couldn’t work out why turning the patch volume down wasn’t working. Seem that I have to turn the patch volume knob to higher than the current patch volume before turning it down otherwise it won’t reduce the volume. Not sure if that is a firmware bug or if it’s by design
Overall, I think that I now have things resolved - there were a few things that weren’t obvious enough for me to figure them out off the bat, but now I think I have things working the way I want them too.
I really appreciate everyone’s input, and would still appreciate any tips or updates if anyone sees anything I can do to make things more straightforward in any way.
That behavior I believe is called “Catch Mode” as you need to ‘catch’ the setting with the control in order to alter it. It prevents any kind of unexpected changes while using the hardware instrument or controller. I think this may be a default of many apps to protect performers from abrupt changes ruining their show. Every MIDI app I have used on iPad and Mac is like that.
Can you imagine trying to play for people, and have your filter cutoff turned from 500 Hz to 2500 Hz in an instant, morphing the filtered square wave patch from very mellow and bass-y to screaming like an old Konami arcade machine cuz you simply brushed a knob by mistake? I would melt through the floor in the agonizing defeat of embarrassment the moment that took place… 
That makes sense. I checked the volume of a handful of presets and they are all set to 127 (i.e. maximum). As the pot is centered at the halfway point, it makes sense that I have to turn all the way to the right before I can get volume reduction by turning to the left.
Thanks - that helps, as now I know I probably have to do this every time.