Reusable Modules

I’m Very new to Audulus and I’m frankly quite inexperienced with audio synthesis. I already made some patches and I’ve been copying and pasting modules I built between patches. Is there a way to create a custom module and add it to the library?

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Are you on Mac or iOS? On iOS, I don’t think you can save custom modules to the “factory” Library, but if you save (or copy) your modules to the folder “On My iPad / Audulus 4 / Modules”, then they will show up in your “User Library” when you tap “Add” while editing a patch. I don’t have a Mac, so unaware of the folder structure there to do this.

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On Mac you go to Audulus > Open Modules Folder and dump them in there :slight_smile:

And welcome! Let us know if you need any help making anything or have any other questions :slight_smile:

Thanks y’all. I the as able to do it! I was using a different folder but now I’m ok. So I understand that any patch can be shared and put in the modules folder and I’ll have a module available.

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