Kick Drum Tuning

Going to try to model a John Bonham kick drum. Patches to come…

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Nice stuff you are sharing with drums. I have a BopPad I use so I am always interested in this stuff…especially when someone is really diving into all of the angles of sound modelling.

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Batter Head:

Resonant Head:


when the levee breaks v004a

when the levee breaks v004a.audulus (475.7 KB)

Kick is getting there. Didn’t put much effort into the snare and hats.

  • forgot to label the reverb
    • labeled
  • turned a knob
  • fixed the hi-hat pattern
  • turned down volume

I’m going to take a week or two off. I’ve been grinding away on patches for a while now. I’ll get this dialed later.


when the levee breaks v010

when the levee breaks v010.audulus (468.7 KB)

  • added note knobs
    • ring modulation linked to current note
  • fixed hi-hat pattern (again)
  • dialing in kick
  • fixed kick pattern