Generating triads

I play the village idiot around here the best I can.

One more point about the sequencer in there. Some elegant way to double the trigger interface would be nice. I owned the Teenage Engineering PO K.O! sampler, but sold it because making electro with 16 beat sequences just isn’t enough for me.

I wish I was good enough to just build it myself as a contribution but I still have a lot to learn.


i was thinking about building one actually, i have no idea how, but it’ll be fun to try


Sorry, I missed this earlier, I don’t really have a coding background but I was born and raised in silicon valley.

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Something like the way @robertsyrett made the buttons on the Reticulated Gate Sequencer might work.

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So two things came to mind. Looking at the Chladni Sequencer, you can see how the lighting indicates the sequences very clearly.

Then I was looking at the Arches drum machine below (not too intested in their other stuff here, just the idea of the led grid):

Building something with all of this would be a cool livestream for Mr. @biminiroad.


Those drums sound great!

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thanks !
i might design other bleeps and toms to go with it

i’m omw to become Audulus’s official drum designer i guess hah


Can’t wait to have the play with the optimised version of my first kit tho @biminiroad
my iphone 6 is very disappointed at me when i re-open them

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