First, let me say amazing, I really look forward to diving in. Just some random thoughts while using Audulus for the first time before I’ve had time to get used to how things work…
Took me a long time to find the button/trigger node. Was expecting it to be somewhere near the knob, toggle and other UI elements. Wasn’t until I read through the documentation that I found it in MIDI.
Is there a true push-button control? Acts like a toggle, looks like a button? Maybe a styling of a slider?
The documentation for Trigger says it’s MIDI mappable. Cool. But there’s no mention of MIDI mapping of knobs. Odd. I’m sure I’ll figure out how to get CCs in.
Phasor. Check. Range? Let’s hook it up to a Waveform. Uh… where’d it go? How do I change the range of the waveform? Nope. Documentation, oh 2pi.
Hz: Hmm, 0 to samplerate/2. Docs don’t mention how to represent these values. I correctly assume 0-1 but it might just be a float between 0 and 24000.
Hz: Having the input scale to the current sample rate sounds dangerous. Doesn’t this mean that if I open a patch on a different device that it’ll sound different? Pitches will be different. Clocks will run at different speeds. Does every patch and module designer have to build their own samplerate-independent scaling? Is there a proposed standard that everyone should follow? How else are modules expected to easily be patched together?
At least I assume that modules are supposed to be patched together. I’m surprised that there’s no obvious way to save a module to a module library or browse them in the right-click module browser. Oh wait… there’s + at the very top, way out of the way. The node browser and right-click node browser are so visible that there’s no reason to think there’s anything else. Why do there need to be two different UI’s for inserting objects into a patch? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a quick way to bring up the module browser and the cursor was focused into the search box. Then you could just type “waveform” or “toggle” to get to those nodes? Does there need to be a difference between modules and nodes?
Ok, now that I’ve found the module browser how do I close it? Tried the close box but that just wants to close the entire patch. Then I saw + thinking that it would let me create a new module in the user library but hey, no, it switches back to the patch editor.
Since there’s a keyboard accelerator to bring up the module browser not having any keyboard navigation is jarring. At least starting with focus in the search box? Then arrows + return once you’ve narrowed your selections to just a few? I was expecting to close the browser but it’s another . Huh.
Looking at the UI of the module browser it appears that search is limited to either the library or user modules but not both?
Waveform: I really really don’t like the orientation. Every other app I’ve used reads left-to-right. This orientation makes my head hurt.
Waveform: I have a phasor → / 2*pi → waveform displaying a nice saw wave. Every time I cmd-tab back to Audulus there’s a glitch in the display. The line jumps vertically by about a pixel. Hopefully it’s just a display bug and not the underlying phasor.
Double-clicking on an input node creating an expression is nice. If the input is already connected it would be great if the expression’s input was pre-wired to whatever was feeding into the input?
Really miss option-drag to duplicate a node.
It’d be nice if dragging a new node onto the input or output of an existing node would auto-wire it. I use that a lot in Bitwig’s grid and it’s really handy.
I notice that there’s no way to auto-merge input signals. Again looking at Bitwig’s grid, you can some-modifier-drag a cable to an input and have it auto-create an or gate. But I guess there’s no or gate in Audulus. That made me wonder how I would create one with an expression. There don’t seem to be logical operators like &&, ||, and or or but at least there’s the ternary ?: So I guess just a nested set of ?:'s? This led me to an n-way switch. There doesn’t seem to be a way for a module to auto-create inputs as existing ones are connected so it needs to be a fixed 2-to-1, 4-to-1 or 8-to-1 module? In these cases I wonder if there’s a way to detect if an input is wired up to enable one to create a n-to-1 switch (rather than an n-way logical operator)? Or would such a module force the user to specify how many inputs are being used? I can just imagine how yucky the actual expression for an 8-way switch would look. Hopefully I’ll find the tricks that make it cleaner than I’m thinking.
VST: Hopefully I’ll be able to use this inside Bitwig at some point. If not, at least I have Blackhole. I don’t get along with Logic and Live still doesn’t support midi coming out of AUs.