Envelope Follower CV to Audulus

How do I go about making a CV input for Audulus coming in from the ES-8?

The signal path would be: Audio > Folktek Synesthesia > ES-8 > Audulus > madness ensues

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The ADC node works for both CV and audio, so one input for audio the next for CV.

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So it can receive cv, then send it?

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Yeah, to send it you would need to use the opposite of a ADC node, a DAC node. I frequently use the outs on the es-8 to send envelopes generated in Audulus.

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Yeah - the ADC-DAC combo translates any analog signal into digital, then digital (Audulus) signals into analog signals.

Because the ES-8 is DC-coupled, you can send DC-offset signals (like an envelope) into Audulus.

You just need to keep input voltages between -10 and 10 volts, which is the maximum input/output range of the ES-8.

So the ADC acts as an input source? How do I tell the ES-8 to send cv there?

I really wish there were an ES-8 input module.

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If you plug in your ES-8 to your computer or iOS device, each input/output coincides with the ADC channel.

ES-8 Input 1 = ADC 1
ES-8 Input 2 = ADC 2

ES-8 Output 1 = DAC 1
ES-8 Output 2 = DAC 2

You cannot currently use aggregate devices with Audulus. You will be able to in the future, but not right now. So if you have ES-8 plugged in, its inputs exactly match the I/O on the ADC-DAC nodes.

There are ES-8 output modules in the default library, but the input one isn’t in there yet. There will be more ES-8 specific modules (input, VPO calibration, conversions, default modules, etc) in a coming update :slight_smile:


That would be amazing.

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I don’t have the ES-8 yet, so I’m just trying to prebuild modules for it in Audulus. I’m getting my first pieces for the rack (Synesthesia and Happy Ending) today and tomorrow! Then hopefully I can afford the ES-8 next month