Audulus 4 development thread 🤓

I wonder if more could chime in. When I asked @taylor on Discord, he seemed to think it would be about the same – but I recall that others were finding a couple of months ago that the CPU load was higher than in A3.

If I remember right, I was the only one so far to bring this up in the dicord, so that discussion might be what you remenber.
I’d also appreciate some other testers sharing their experiences with CPU usage in A4.

Keep in mind A4 is still in Beta. I’ll do my best to ensure performance parity between A3 and A4 :slight_smile:


Good to know. Are there any active beta testers with something like the iPad 6? Hopefully, the parity will be true for devices like that and not just the iPad pro and most recent non-pro iPads :slight_smile:

I’ve fixed the audio performance issues with the A4 beta, and I’ve also been working on a new faster renderer for the UI. Code is here if anyone’s curious :slight_smile:


How do you manage beta feedback? I’m having fun so far with the beta of A4, and I’m writing down lots of comments, mostly about usability issues or wishes. Is there an “Audulus 4 nodes” section, with each node type in A4 a topic, where I could maybe post my feedback so I’m not reinventing the wheel?

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So far we reported bugs using TestFlight and discussed other stuff in discord.
However, moving these discussions to the forum and making threads for each node to organize them sounds like a pretty good idea to me.
@taylor What do you think?

thank you for sharing with us..


I have a question regarding the new Note Send Node. What are the expected value ranges for the inputs? I am failing to get a midi output to work and wondering what am I doing wrong.

Figured it out, it’s all in MIDI values. I think it’s confusing that the Keyboard input is in Hz and the gate is in normalized unit value but the output is actual MIDI values. I still having issues as it seems like the output Midi channel has no effects and it always outputs on channel no.1.

What’s the recommendation for iPad laptop specs?

I’m shopping and interested in the 12.9 M1, but not sure about storage and ram.

Will the stylus be supported? Multi-touch with the stylus/fingers?
Do you have estimates about file sizes?


I went ahead and got the iPad Pro 12.9 with 256 g b.

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Hi there. New to this forum. Heard about Audulus from a friend. Is there any chance to get a license for the beta plz? I heard this was a possibility.

Audulus 4 beta stuff is centralized over on discord. Go there and ask @Taylor.


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@dclargo, if you go to the TestFlight app, there is a link for submitting feedback. You may have already found this, but I didn’t see a reply to your question, so I figured I would put this in here for you or anyone else that’s not sure about feedback. I hope this is helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

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@OldBuildingAndLoan Your selected model of iPad Pro will be EXTREMELY capable, don’t worry or second guess :smiley: That version is light years ahead of the 2017 iPad Pro 10.5” that I have, and I am still running strong with the beta A4, and extremely complex patches.

I may be replacing it with an M1 version this year or next, due to some more hungry AUv3s being combined in AUM and AB3 that sometimes bring on the crackles for my A10X CPU, (not sure what model, just know that this was the last year of non-) GPU, 4 GB of RAM, and 256 GB internal storage.

For purely Audulus 4, however, this iPad Pro I have in my lap, now, runs great, though, and some of the members of this forum are still running iPad Air 2 (possibly even earlier versions, but that is the only older model I know for certain). I hope this helps and happy patching! :blush:

@stevo3985 and @dclargo

Cool to know about the TestFlight feedback area, thanks for pointing that out, didn’t know about that. Discord is definitely cool, you can engage directly.

There’s also github for reporting bugs and feature requests. @Taylor would probably appreciate some voices besides mine there.


I am new to the forum and Audulus as well. I am currently running Version 3.6.1 (105) on a Mac studio M1 Max with 32 GB Ram. There are some minor glitches with Audulus 3.6.1. There are references to functions available at the bottom of the screen inn the tutorial such as a keyboard arrow that does not show up or at least I haven’t figured out how to access that panel. At any rate I am curious about the status of Audulus 4 and if Version 3.6.1 is compatible with the M1 processor. So far I am very excited about what I am seeing in the Examples and look forward to building and experimenting with the product.

Kind Regards


OK I found my way to discord so I will check there for current stuff.

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