Feeling Grateful Want to Give Back

I’m not sure of the exact behind-the-scenes specifics, but perhaps it would act like an interrupt or something? Ideally, you could attach one of these gate signals to a knob and it would become an “audio” signal. You could have a high frequency gate, too.

But sampling a button at 44.1kHz is just a waste of processing power. That’s what this is going to solve eventually.

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No, the phase modulation input is marked as a signal. Inputs can be anything so long as they are labeled. Clamping is only going to be implemented for knobs.


For users who have limited programming experience, I think wrapping your head around and truly understanding the 4 major signals in Audulus is key to understanding it so you can both create and make patches.

The development of other standards at higher organizational levels as has been done with octaves is equally important to document and standardize as the uModule approach has done. It can significantly reduce the barrier to entry for people whose entry point into Audulus is being able to recognize standard music/synth terms when they go to make connections or use controls.

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