Feature Request Megathread

I agree. I do almost all of my editing on the Mac because the keyboard/mouse combo is so much faster than the iPad UI. Even if you didn’t implement a virtual keybed, the ability to use keystroke based shortcuts would definitely speed things up. I’m not sure if it’s possible to capture keystrokes from an external device without invoking the virtual keyboard which you clearly wouldn’t want. I’ll have to look into it in the docs.


I really wish it was faster to edit on iOS. Would love to hear people’s ideas about this in particular if there are any. I think the new module browser made it a lot faster, but it’s still not as fast as doing it on the computer.

Maybe when we have built in motion tracking/mindreading we can do more Minority Report-like stuff.



But in the meantime, bringing windows into the 20th century would be great - using the backspace or delete keys to remove nodes (they currently seem to do nothing) would really improve workflow.


Two feature requests:

  1. Can the Random node be changed so that each instance is given a unique seed?

Background–I recently made a tap sequence module of which I use several at a time in larger sequencer projects. I play guitar and banjo, and just wanted to have something mure interesting to practice in time than a metronome.

In the module, the steps – or just a range of steps (it’s 16-step sequencer)-- can be reset. Initially I built the sequencer to reset a step to 0, but the other day i decided to try using the reset mechanism to set steps at random, allowing values from a Random node greater than some constant to be set as a 1. I’ve been experimenting with polyrhythm, and filling the sequencers with random patterns seemed like a fun idea.

I implemeted the random feature by placing a Random node and the selection expression inside the tap sequencer module patch and creating an input node to set how dense I wanted the fills to be by setting some value between zero and one to be the reference value. The idea was that the random fill density in a multi-channel sequencer could be set by applying just a constant level to each of the tap sequence modules. For a single tap module, the random feature worked fine, but when I tried it in a multichannel sequencer, all modules always got the same pattern.

I fixed this by going into each instance of my tap sequence patch and giving it a unique seed.

As you can imagine, this is kind of tedious. Is it possible to have some unique seed be assigned by default to each instance of the Random module. If that’s not feasable, could you add a seed input, so a user could input a seed by expression, rather than by setting a property? The ideal to me would be to have both these features, in case a user occasionally wants several random nodes to issue the same values.

By the way, what algorithm is being used for the Random node? What does the output distribution look like?

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Uh, that was ONE feature request! Sorry!

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Check out my citrus seq, it has a 8 x random, that does what you are describing by repeatedly sampling the random node at a rapid speed. You only have to set one seed for each 8 random values you want.

Also I would love to see your sequencer, I’m putting together tutorials on sequencers and would be appreciative of what things people are looking to learn as well as what other users have come up with.

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Continuing the discussion from Feature Request Megathread:

I was just prettying up to upload (never uploaded to this site before, we shall see!) Definietly will look at your method. Stand by!


16-beat Tap Polyrhythmic Machine.audulus (2.0 MB)

Lots going on here. I built a sequencer to use when practicing. Got carried away with a first stab at polyrhythm. Info is posted around the project on how to use. Basically, you set the beats per bar, tap out a tempo (or dial in via the alternate method), and start tapping “drum heads” to start the sequence. Alternatively, you can do a long press on the little reset patch (on the left), after setting the knob to all off, all on, or somewhere in between for random patterns, then add manual taps as desired.

You change the loop size and starting beat with the controller patches. The controllers issue a sync pulse that can resync everything if you change a loop property. This is optional, as the sequencer modules inside can be changed on the fly and continue in time, which works pretty well, musically. You might find your loops more interesting if you double the steps per loop, such as setting beats per measure to 10 if you’re doing 5/4 time.

I just added a clock doubler to put some faster fills in there.

I’ve gotten some really cool rhythms out of this. Think of it as a sort of rhythm Etch A Sketch. All steps are reset to off when you turn it on.

It’s been fun to play with. Maybe TOO fun. I will probably go back to my one loop version so I won’t waste more of my guitar practice time.

Note: The great drum sound synth and mixer are from the Audulus sample patches.

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This is too awesome to be lurking in the feature request megathread. I would ask that you repost in the patch building section. But great work, I love the implementation of looping recorders, although it will be a while before I know how the pieces work together.

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I’m happy that you like it. Will repost…

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Off the wall idea. Any way to get a java enabled smart card to trigger things? Run it’s own value generator, or…


The idea of putting Audulus inside a tiny device the way many are using Pd is very alluring.


I’m just going to copy and paste what @stschoen said on a different topic because he put it better than I ever could: “I would love to have the ability to dynamically control the points in a spline or mapper as well have have a mapper node with multiple inflection points (more than one curve).”

Add string handling to expressions and value displays

This would be a lovely thing, as it would allow you to write strings

Perhaps use the Excel/OpenOffice syntax:

“” to define what’s quoted as a string and not a variable

& for concatenation of two strings and automatic conversion of number types to string when the number or a value from an input is concatenated with a string, or maybe just a a “string(x)” function.

[string]==[string] test for equality.

Anyway, a lot of Lights and text nodes have to be managed right now when all you want to convey on the UI is, for example, “C Major Scale.”


In the future, the Random node will have an input for the seed instead of it being assigned through a menu to make it a little easier to edit. It also will probably have a reset function that will restart the random generation so you can retrigger the random generator to get predictable yet random patterns.

I don’t know what exact algo it uses (@taylor would) but it produces white noise.

Can you explain this a little more?

I would too - what would the UI look like though? If the wires attached directly to the spline points, then might be difficult to animate/not look good if you have some audio rate modulation going in. Perhaps a spline with a certain limited number of modulation inputs? Also, wouldn’t it be useful to have X/Y control of the point too right?

We had talked about maybe doing an Alpha node that might have some symbols as well, but basically work where inputs of 0-0.999… = A, 1-1.999… = B, 2-2.999… = C, etc., similar to the way the Mux/Demux node works. This way you could still operate where the only data flow in Audulus is numbers, but have an alpha display. What do you think about that?


A simple approach to alpha to numeric translation might be to use 16 bit Unicode. This would give access to at least the basic multilingual character set. Decimals in Audulus seem to be stable up to 19 bits (before rounding) so transporting 16 bit numbers shouldn’t be a problem. Since all of the modern O/Ss support Unicode, I would think a glyph generator shouldn’t be too hard to come by. That would provide some multilingual support for Audulus which is always a plus these days. The biggest problem I see is a practical method of storage. Constant strings could be a variant of the current expression node, but any kind of string manipulation would probably require some form of array storage more efficient than a mux.


If that gets it here quicker, I’ll take it. The excel reference was a wish for the moon kind of thing. It’ll be a big plus, either way.

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I mentioned above that an scope would be key but I want to add that right now, there is no AUv3 scope for iOS. You could probably move units with a solid option on offer.

*Audulus 4. I see.

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I think with AUM you might be able to select source audio from another channel and route it in there from channel A (Audulus) to channel B (Scope).

But yeah scope will come native to 4 - hopefully with the release, but if not, then it will follow :slight_smile:

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Midi in/out

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